Summer vacation – In short, it is the period of fun, sleeping late and socializing with friends!
My Summer Vacation:
Nothing makes me happier than the summer vacation. I spent most of my holidays at my grandparent’s place. They live in a hamlet fronting a river. It is a pleasant place with lots of trees and greenery all around.
My grandpa is a good swimmer. But I’m scared of swimming. He encouraged me to learn swimming. He became my trainer and taught me swimming. It was not as hard as I thought with my grandpa on my side.
Though, I’m not a good swimmer as he is; Thanks to my grandpa at least my fear for swimming is gone now. Learn to swim like fearless champ Michael Phelps. 🙂
While I was swimming in the river, I got to meet several fishermen. I also came to know and see a variety of fishes. The fisherman used to catch fishes like catfish, red snapper, prawns, Bengal carp, pomfret etc.
One day a fisherman caught a huge fish known as a stingray. I was surprised to see that it occupied the whole space of a large boat and it weighed above 3 quintals.

Guess, What I Did Last Summer!
Other than swimming, I played badminton and cricket with my dad and a few other friends I have there.
The days used to be extremely hot with temperatures rising above 45°C. My mom asked me to stay indoors and engage myself in some book reading and board games. It was really fun playing scrabble with my grandma and learning new words every day.
I also visited paddy fields and vegetable gardens. The farmers were harvesting their crop and it amazed me.
It was a splendid vacation filled with joy, fun and lovely memories to cherish. I came back home but still, summer vacation is green in my mind.